Monday, December 28, 2015









Saturday, December 26, 2015

已经12月27号了,还是没开始选校..... 真的快结束了


每天选择看网易新闻,看地铁族,微信和基友聊天,但就是没开始选校,和去年做的事情一模一样。。。真的很担心,真的很担心,和去年一样got wasted。。。




于是我传到了微信朋友圈,并配上了 “六道口no冬”的日语和“Happiness is in the heart, not the circumstances”的英语:





所以呢,真为自己feel bad。

anyway,27号了,还没开始选校呢。下个月15号就deadline了。必须要开始选了。 Doing more pleasurable things instead of doing your job is NOT gonna  help. Period.

必须要把第一步,艰难的起步开始,get started,后面照着做,就顺理一下。


Wednesday, December 23, 2015


离18号考完GRE已经过去5天了。今天已经23号。大部分学校截止日期都是1月15号。已经非常紧了。为什么你这几天还是不开始get started?为什么? 为什么?为什么?

你真的是傻了吗?你到底是怎么了?what have got into you?前年,去年,你就是因为每天这样无所事事而荒废了申请,搞得现在一堆的headache。甚至大学时期,你也是exactly因为这些procrastination导致GPA及低。



但你现在有两种选择:1.继续拖; 2.开始做



为什么拖延? 因为你觉得任务难,因为你懒,因为你被眼前好玩的诱惑,呵呵,真想不到,25岁了,还能这么控制不住自己,有没有白活啊?


离1月15号,算今天,还有24天。你要申请15所学校。选校还要花几天,还要和教授给时间写letter。mark stater去年前年已经抱怨我给的时间太短,今年绝对不能了。



Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A guy who made me sentimental, brought back my New England memories, and made me think deeply about my future

I usually wouldn't start a blog until something or someone memorable showed up in my life. But today, two months since my last blog, I met Jake T. After a sweet and loving night with him, I found me like him, maybe a lot...

It was on a cool Fall Sunday afternoon (Nov.9th). I was sitting on my relative(gu nai nai)'s bed after a nice home-made lunch, browsing Jack'd and reading news on netease. These are my Sunday routine at her home, which nicely (but temporarily) provides me with a relaxing weekend day...

A jack'd message reached me. Maybe because it was in English, I opened. (Since I started working in MSL, I paid significantly less attention on dating apps, so most messages with a plain "你好“ got unopened, cuz I really got no time for them!). Jake wrote hi and visiting from the states. He also unlocked his private pici.. I always appreciate it when guys do that! hahaha.

His private pic is just a chest.. so I was immediately let down, and started my first communication with a selfishly blunt "may I see face pic", without making effort to capitalize the first letter. He said sure and uploaded his face pic... 

He may not look like the "hot sex type" to many normal Chinese guys, but i found him handsome, especially eyes... He is dressed in a brown blazer with a business casual style. pic seemed to be taken in his closet. He looks a bit westernized.. i like his eyes, which look like a mixture of Asian and Caucasian eye shapes... 

Anyway.. Before 9pm when I got to his 京师大厦 hotel.. our chat went very well.. he seemed nice and we both wanted to meet up... On my bus to his hotel, he insisted coming down to the 1st floor lobby and pick me up. I thought that was too much and said it's OK if he just stays in his room. The hotel is conveniently located in a road crossing..It actually looks pretty nice and clean to me, but he previously told me it was shabby when I asked if i could stay over. 

I pushed the front door, glanced around, and there he was... standing by the front desk, dressed exactly the same as in the pic, looking at me... We simultaneously identified each other and walked close. He kept a subtle smile on his face and offered to shake hand, a typical American greeting huh? :) 

He took me a few upstairs and made us sit down on couch in public area and began to chat. I felt a bit weird why not going straight to room. He asked me what I studied in the U.S., my current work. etc... 5 mins later, he said let's go to his room.

Upon entering, he said sorry again about the shabby condition, but i found the room nice..... (maybe he always had fancy business trips? and poor guy like me don't have a standard?...)

So we sat down, we both seemed very discreet. chatted... He said he completed his Biology PhD in Boston.. I asked Harvard? Nodded.... WOW... Positive impression increased exponentially...He went abroad in 2001, first to UCSD for master's, then Harvard for PhD. After about 5 mins of non-sexual talk, he asked me to come over to give me a hug.... It was nice... cuz I already found me like him... he went to Harvard Bio... smart guy... handsome face... seemed nice... my heart was pounding during the stand-up hug and gentle kiss... 

The rest of the night was sweet and loving... We didn't rush to hardcore. We had plenty of fondling, kisses, sucking, nipple licking... we talked in the middle of fun... Turned out he isn't a potato queen.. He doesn't like White guys...he said he had "maybe" (lol) just one Chinese boyfriend. He thinks that there is implicit work discrimination against Chinese in USA. He has been working in the current company for 5 years. He said he has inferiority complex because his size is smaller than many guys... I could totally relate to him, cuz I used to experience some of the things he said... Before we went to sleep, he asked me to apply medical fluid and massage the bruised parts of his body (the other day, he and a guy had a fight in his room cuz the guy used fake pic and turned out to be a money boy asking for money. when Jake refused, he was going to smash things in the room). He seemed to like my massage... when i sat next to him, massaging him with my hand, we looked at each other in the eyes... it made me shy looking at each other so closely, but I definitely felt loving and sweet... He likes the feeling when we two cuddle together, with him lying flat down on his back, and me lying on my side, with my head on his shoulder and my one arm over his belly. We kissed a lot in this gesture. He called me "little baby" and i called him "big bro"... 

The next morning at 6:30am, he came up and lay down next to me ... we made out just like the night before. eventually, he topped me... and he used his hand to jerk me off...

He gave me his room card to let me have breakfast buffet on the first floor. After that, I went up to his room again. He asked me again to apply medical liquid to his body.We looked at each other in the eyes while I massaged him... it was sweet, but I guess that we both knew what we did was for one night... after massaging, he asked me again to lie down and cuddle with him... it was sweet... but short... at around 10:30, he said maybe it's time for work.. and i got up and got dressed.

He came up and kissed me while I got dressed... It made me feel happy, cuz he must liked me... when i collected all my stuff and walked to the door, he stood in front of me and we kissed again. He said let's keep in touch... I was so glad to hear that he'd like to continue contact. I asked him to send me a pic of him if he doesn't mind, but he moved his eyes down a little bit and only slightly nodded. He told me not to work too tiredly, and i told him the same, and also told him not to see discrimination that he mentioned as too big a deal... then i left...

On my way down, I took a few pics in the hotel that could help me remember the night: his room, the lobby, the angle that I saw him at the first sight...

For the rest of the day, I felt a bit sad. It was weird... cuz i knew what we did was 419, but i did found myself like him... when he replied to my messages on wechat, it always made me happy. i wish we could keep in touch... but i don't know as time goes by, will he like me less, talk less, and eventually ignore? And to this moment that im writing this blog, he has not sent a pic of him.. maybe he is too discreet? hasn't fully trusted me? doesn't really wanna keep contact? i don't know...

For several times, I wonder what i like about him... very few guys made me like them to the point that prompts me to record the encounter in blog. The last time i did was two months ago with that Chongqing consulting guy..

Maybe I like him cuz he went to Harvard and he's smart? Maybe I like him cuz he looks handsome to me? Maybe his eyes, which possess Asian and White mixed shapes, got me hypnotized? Maybe I like him cuz he works as a successful manager in a pharmaceutical company and must make lots of money? Maybe I like him cuz he has a green card that I longed for? 

Thinking more deeply and thoroughly, maybe I like him because he brought back my nostalgic New England memories... Maybe I saw him not only as a vivid person, but as a hope.... I have always hoped to go abroad again, got scholarship, finish degree, immigrate, have a good job, live a better life... just like what Jake has achieved... Considering this aspect, maybe I like him cuz I admire his life experience?

I will def keep in touch. I do like him. But because of remote distance, I will not be excessively sad or overly excited if he chooses to ignore or our chat becomes dull and not good for continuing... 

The best thing about him: whenever i think of him, his story, the sweet night, i really wanna work hard and go abroad (and be with him? haha)... he somehow stands like a hope, or a light to me... I think he is successful and I wanna be the same...

Monday, August 3, 2015






再说了,现在想想,我确实喜欢他,他很温柔,重庆人,皮肤好,接吻时很舒服很滑的lips。但我也不至于他不理我我就极度悲哀一晚上一白天吧。。。。我长得算是好看的,他不喜欢有的人喜欢!为了一个人伤心真傻逼。。。我居然自卑的还写了写心里话给他看,最后把他jackd block之后还第二天早上给他发了message,真是他妈的醉了我!一直不理他等个一周再说话,这样才对!现在的gay就喜欢坏男孩,爱理不理的男孩,这样才cool,这样才play hard to get。我真是太把持不住了。


Wednesday, July 22, 2015


迷失,挫败,孤独,self doubt,lost,don't know what to do。。。。。。


其实还是那些,孤独,因为单身,因为寂寞,因为self insecure。挫败,因为大学的堕落,毕业后的消沉,和如今的困惑,到底在国内工作还是除去读书移民,国内吸引力变大,选择变的越来越棘手。

其实我的困惑很大程度上围绕着感情和sex。之所以我居然现在开始对国内有了稍微的好感其实是因为我担心在国外找不到好伴侣(性上还是感情上)。回国已经足足2年了,对中国男人越来越喜欢,真的喜欢,喜欢他们的身体,和他们做爱的感觉,喜欢他们比白人更细腻的感情,喜欢和他们之间无文化障碍的担忧。。。我早在美国就有过预感:perhaps the only way for me to fall in love with asian men is to live in asia or china。呵呵,如今真成了reality。。。



因为感情和sex而为以后的路做觉得本身就是很不rational的做法。。。我怎么就知道我去了国外一定找不到炮友和bf?因为在美国的经历?曾经在大学里,我因为在asian men stereotype上自卑长达四年影响学习和社交,最终造成今日的迷茫和挫败。难道我现在还要因为一个sex问题再次为我的未来做打算吗?40岁以后,sex会越来越不重要,因为我的欲望减退,那时也许事业和生活会是我的第一concern,如果今日我为了sex而选错了路,岂不是我以后的大几十年都要后悔?我真的不想现在再犯大学时犯的错误。



Sunday, July 19, 2015






anyway,现在以及周一凌晨12:03了。明天还要继续早起。。。突然觉得家里真好,有厨房,早上不用整理床,各种舒服。北漂的日子真的苦啊。。。真想快点找到工作去上海,看看我到底对我在中国唯一喜欢的城市到底什么印象。写了好多,想记录下这段时间自己的每个心理细节,然后等我35岁,有了bf有了事业再回头看,哈哈哈哈!晚安我自己!晚安我爱的人!外婆,父母,爷爷奶奶 etc!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015








