The PGWP is a big deal, it really is. It is probably my biggest concern and biggest wishlist of coming to Canada. it is my ultimate goal. Getting my MA degree is only a connecting bridge for me. Even though due to increasing pressure from academics and the possibility of not being able to graduate, over the course of these three years, the PGWP is almost as important as getting the MA econ degree.
I have always worried about not being able to get the 3 year PGWP ever since starting to apply to grad schools as early as late 2015. I knew well in advance that if the immigration officer finds out that my program is 1 year, then he may very likely only issue me a 1 year PGWP...
After I came to Canada, through orientations and workshops and asking the specialists at the UofA's international centre, I was always given a vague answer regarding how many years of permit could I be issued, they always say half and half chance, due to the fact that my program website states that it can be completed in 10 months. so i was always feeling uncertain and worried.
eventually, i came to terms with it. i began to accept to live with uncertainty... partly cuz academics was already drove me so hopeless and depressed. so i thought that as long as i made to graduation, i would still be proud of myself regardless of the PGWP...
two things worried me the most in regard of the PGWP: 1: if the completion letter doesn't state program length, then the officer may search website and find out the program length, if he does that, then im more likely to be doomed..... 2: new regulations after March 2019 requires both completion letter and transcript, but my 1st term was part-time.... so there is a chance i could get disqualified for the PGWP completely...
ever since entering U OF A in 2016, I have been asking many people regarding the 1st problem... but always no certain answer.... the FGSR told me they don't state length... so i was left clueless about how the officers find out program length.... different ppl told me different things... so there is always an uncertainty...
Eventually, after i graduated in July 2019, I finally wrote the completion letter request to FGSR after many days of procrastination and internal worry. cuz i really felt so concerned and worried if they don't issue the program length... then if that happened, everything i had worried and imagined would become true and come to haunt me... I have worried about the completion letter for 3 i finally and eventually got the courage to write the completion letter request, I kindly added to provide start date and end date in my request...
God has mercy! God I love you. God must heard my cries and wishes for 3 years... When i received the completion letter in email, the FGSR included my start date and end date!!!!! that means the officer in most cases would just refer to this as my program length! All my 3 years of worries finally came to an end...I felt amazing on that day, almost felt like magic was being dropped on me... i felt so happy and blessed on that day...
But i still had to confront the 2nd problem: transcript.....ever since after the Fall2016 in which i withdrew 2 courses and became part-time, i sought help from the specialists from U of A's international centre... they told me it's better to get a support letter explaining the circumstances that happened in Fall 2016... I have always been worried about asking for it....
Im worried what if professors don't wanna write this letter, im worried about how i should go about writing such letter to professors in the first place. im worried and could feel disgusted in advance by the feeling of inconvenience and rejection if the professor refused to write a letter.
The worries are exactly the reason i kept procrastinating writing the letter to professors until around Dec 10 2019. I couldn't wait more, cuz Jan 3 is the deadline. so, i forebode the worries and concerns and fears, and still wrote the letters to Todd carefully... explaining everything i would like him to know.. it was a long email....
Todd said he's on medical leave and not working, thus cannot write a letter.....
I felt very dismayed... and nervous and sad and insecure.... cuz everything I feared came true: being rejected for a support letter....
But the rejection kind of motivated me to keep working... cuz i was like: ok fuck you, u r just a lazy prof who don't care for students and don't care for work. u just like ur leisure and stupid hockey. so it's ur problem and not mine. im gonna just do my best. i shouldn't waste time on a loser and fat guy like you who ended up sick anyway....
So on the night of the same day, i wrote another request to Heather Eckert, the bitch who wouldn't let me retake econ 599 a year before. I didn't take more time rewriting or polishing the email. i simply shortened it a bit for the sake of being concise...
She never replied. I sent her another email in 4 days, still no replies...
Oh well, yeah i felt a bit bad, but not that bad. cuz i know she doesn't like me and probably jealous me of being able to pass 599 and eventually graduate, which is everything against what she anticipated! hahahaha, stupid old fat bitch cunt. she was wrong with everything about me!!! she is probably being dumbfounded by the whole thing still... heather, oh well, stupid bitch. her CV shows she rarely published her own paper, except when she worked together with other profs. also took her i think more than 10 years to reach associate professor... stupid~~
so... everything i feared happening in regard to asking prof for support letter ended up coming true....
i felt a bit helpless, but at the same time i had this urge to fight against this feeling of victimization...... i video chatted with mom and grandmom about it, vented my anger and the stupid heather thing. and i actually felt not THAT bad........ being rejected by both profs actually lowered my pressure a bit, cuz now i just need to write my own support letter......
I already felt grateful about the completion letter's program length... so profs' rejections on the support letter wasn't a huge least one of the UA's immigration specialists told me it's perfectly fine to write the support letter myself... at least that gave me lots of assurance.
this is the last week before Xmas break. I must ask the UA's specialists everything i need to ask: about wether it's still necessary to point out the Fall 2016 part-time, if it's ok to write the letter myself, and other online application questions....
Just do my best. do what i can do....just be no regret... enjoy the process.