Monday, December 16, 2019

Random thoughts on asking professors for Support Letter for the PGWP

The PGWP is a big deal, it really is. It is probably my biggest concern and biggest wishlist of coming to Canada. it is my ultimate goal. Getting my MA degree is only a connecting bridge for me. Even though due to increasing pressure from academics and the possibility of not being able to graduate, over the course of these three years, the PGWP is almost as important as getting the MA econ degree.

I have always worried about not being able to get the 3 year PGWP ever since starting to apply to grad schools as early as late 2015. I knew well in advance that if the immigration officer finds out that my program is 1 year, then he may very likely only issue me a 1 year PGWP...

After I came to Canada, through orientations and workshops and asking the specialists at the UofA's international centre, I was always given a vague answer regarding how many years of permit could I be issued, they always say half and half chance, due to the fact that my program website states that it can be completed in 10 months.  so i was always feeling uncertain and worried.

eventually, i came to terms with it. i began to accept to live with uncertainty... partly cuz academics was already drove me so hopeless and depressed. so i thought that as long as i made to graduation, i would still be proud of myself regardless of the PGWP...

two things worried me the most in regard of the PGWP: 1: if the completion letter doesn't state program length, then the officer may search website and find out the program length, if he does that, then im more likely to be doomed..... 2: new regulations after March 2019 requires both completion letter and transcript, but my 1st term was part-time.... so there is a chance i could get disqualified for the PGWP completely...

ever since entering U OF A in 2016, I have been asking many people regarding the 1st problem... but always no certain answer.... the FGSR told me they don't state length... so i was left clueless about how the officers find out program length.... different ppl told me different things... so there is always an uncertainty...

Eventually, after i graduated in July 2019, I finally wrote the completion letter request to FGSR after many days of procrastination and internal worry. cuz i really felt so concerned and worried if they don't issue the program length... then if that happened, everything i had worried and imagined would become true and come to haunt me... I have worried about the completion letter for 3 i finally and eventually got the courage to write the completion letter request, I kindly added to provide start date and end date in my request...

God has mercy! God I love you. God must heard my cries and wishes for 3 years... When i received the completion letter in email, the FGSR included my start date and end date!!!!! that means the officer in most cases would just refer to this as my program length! All my 3 years of worries finally came to an end...I felt amazing on that day, almost felt like magic was being dropped on me... i felt so happy and blessed on that day...

But i still had to confront the 2nd problem: transcript.....ever since after the Fall2016 in which i withdrew 2 courses and became part-time, i sought help from the specialists from U of A's international centre... they told me it's better to get a support letter explaining the circumstances that happened in Fall 2016... I have always been worried about asking for it....

Im worried what if professors don't wanna write this letter, im worried about how i should go about writing such letter to professors in the first place. im worried and could feel disgusted in advance by the feeling of inconvenience and rejection if the professor refused to write a letter.

The worries are exactly the reason i kept procrastinating writing the letter to professors until around Dec 10 2019. I couldn't wait more, cuz Jan 3 is the deadline. so, i forebode the worries and concerns and fears, and still wrote the letters to Todd carefully... explaining everything i would like him to know.. it was a long email....

Todd said he's on medical leave and not working, thus cannot write a letter.....

I felt very dismayed... and nervous and sad and insecure.... cuz everything I feared came true: being rejected for a support letter....

But the rejection kind of motivated me to keep working... cuz i was like: ok fuck you, u r just a lazy prof who don't care for students and don't care for work. u just like ur leisure and stupid hockey. so it's ur problem and not mine. im gonna just do my best. i shouldn't waste time on a loser and fat guy like you who ended up sick anyway....

So on the night of the same day, i wrote another request to Heather Eckert, the bitch who wouldn't let me retake econ 599 a year before. I didn't take more time rewriting or polishing the email. i simply shortened it a bit for the sake of being concise...

She never replied. I sent her another email in 4 days, still no replies...

Oh well, yeah i felt a bit bad, but not that bad. cuz i know she doesn't like me and probably jealous me of being able to pass 599 and eventually graduate, which is everything against what she anticipated! hahahaha, stupid old fat bitch cunt. she was wrong with everything about me!!! she is probably being dumbfounded by the whole thing still... heather, oh well, stupid bitch. her CV shows she rarely published her own paper, except when she worked together with other profs. also took her i think more than 10 years to reach associate professor... stupid~~

so... everything i feared happening in regard to asking prof for support letter ended up coming true....
i felt a bit helpless, but at the same time i had this urge to fight against this feeling of victimization...... i video chatted with mom and grandmom about it, vented my anger and the stupid heather thing. and i actually felt not THAT bad........ being rejected by both profs actually lowered my pressure a bit, cuz now i just need to write my own support letter......

I already felt grateful about the completion letter's program length... so profs' rejections on the support letter wasn't a huge least one of the UA's immigration specialists told me it's perfectly fine to write the support letter myself... at least that gave me lots of assurance.

this is the last week before Xmas break. I must ask the UA's specialists everything i need to ask: about wether it's still necessary to point out the Fall 2016 part-time, if it's ok to write the letter myself, and other online application questions....

Just do my best. do what i can do....just be no regret... enjoy the process.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Some confessions before Econ 999 grade release

Econ 999 is the last class in my MA program. It may very likely be the last class in my career of formal schooling.  If I pass (C+ or better), I get my ticket to getting my MA Economics degree. it's hard, very hard, very very hard for me. From the first day of entering the first class in 2016 to present, there is not a single moment that I didn't feel fully challenged... every class I had to record the lecture to listen to it later, otherwise, I seriously have doubts of not being able to pass.

My anxiety got a lot worse after last summer's feud with that stupid fat bitch heather. After that, I just felt that anything can pop up and hinder my path to my degree.

For this Econ 999 class, I don't think I would fail. Even though after all the pains and sufferings and anxieties from Econ 599 and the shit with Heather, I still have post-traumatic stress/fears/anxieties about failing... I also have some anxieties about professor Vera, who always looks aloof and secretive. it may be just her Central Europeans personalities. but in Econ 598, she was extremely strict about grading. if you made just a single mistake, then the whole points on that question were gone! even though I struggled intensely and managed to score above average in the midterm, I  failed the final and got C+. So I don't know what's gonna happen for 999....  I just feel that this program is so weird... and unfit for me.... weird professor, weird things popping up... and stupid chair.

But for 999, I completed every component, did what she asked, and submitted everything on time that was supposed to be submitted. I also did not raise a red flag during the term, unlike during Econ 599. So even though I still have fears, anxieties, I think my chances of passing Econ 999 is higher than failing... Even if I fail I still have summer term to raise my grade...

Yeah, lastly, I have no regret for anything about Econ 999...

Im tired... tired of being anxious for nothing, tired of worrying too much that I feel like less a normal human being.  Tired of hiding myself in my library. tired of not passing a class.... for every core class, it have been this same feeling. it feels like shit..... Econ 503, 598, 599, and then another 599..... it was quite a struggle to open beartrack and view my grades..... im tired... and being anxious makes no difference. if my performance didn't get my a pass, then i fail, as in the case of 599 in winter 2018.... im tired.... tired of this program, tired of this school, and maybe tired of this country... i just wanna say: fuck you, fuck canada, fuck this pathetic public school U of A,  fuck the aloof-looking and cold canadians, FUCK heather, fuck christina, i don't care the outcome, cuz i did what i could do.

So i guess I'll just stay my cool and wait for the outcome then...

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Something to think about for tonight

今天周二,去william家吃fish hotpot,来了几个他父母的朋友,基本都是老移民,在这里打工的那种。



我心里后来一直在想,这种底层超市打工的老移民,估计当初身份也很难拿到了,现在看到新移民,就各种猜吧。。。反正就是小市民咯,底层的可悲的优越感。而且另外一个奶奶很nice的,听我说我读经济后脸上的表情就像是天下最差最可笑的专业一样。。。。。他们真的是很底层。。。。可能觉得非要在超市打工了才算是有希望?之前william妈妈也说经济是不是很难找工作。。。。。excuse me?你的儿子一个在dollar store做收营员,一个卖刀。。。高中生都可以做的底层好么?! 真是没文化嘲笑有知识的。。

就这些事吧,本来我真的不准备放心上的,毕竟他们家的背景和我真的完全不一样。。。他们就是越南来的没文化,做生意的。我家公务员,真的很不一样。。。本来觉得愤愤不平的。可后来这些人也让我好好的想了下我的未来。。。所以。。。while这个上海瘪三男的很势力很多嘴很欠骂很此层很垃圾,但被他击了一下反而让我萎靡不振的生活状态一下子变的好想有目标好想成功。it's like:你说我很难移民很难找工作?我他妈econ专业你八辈子都学不下来,我以后找到的工作比你全家人都体面!底层小市民说的就是你!

我来加拿大苦命的花3年读研,不就是为了搭桥移民吗,现在终于999都上完了,拿毕业证不远了。可现在被搞得没有了激情,每天就是和william在一起到处逛到处玩,当然有很大一部分原因是我讨厌那两个德国室友晚上放video的声音,也讨厌matt关厕所门总是能把我一惊,所以我总是回避他们,所以总是和william在一起,晚上也总是在他家睡觉。可是这样的结果就是我自己的事总是被拖延。。。。找工作,准备工签,etc一直没看。。。。可是这些都是我的目的呀,都是移民呀!我真的是从999完毕之后一直在混沌的度日!没有自制力,虽然室友确实很让我讨厌是一部分 原因。我也恨自己为什么不发愤找工作有了钱自己住。

现在研究生的课都已经结束了,struggle is over。最难的都挺下去了。现在已经到了我当初要来的目的了:移民!!!



有几个人能读到研究生?有几个人又是经济的研究生?那些底层在超市打工的瘪三都看上去那么自信,我又有什么理由总是不自信?!改天去买双lacoste经典的白色sneaker,把自己包装起来,振作起来!我是聪明的,只是我的经历坎坷,心理有疾病,被它们有时候困住了。但我的潜力一直都在咆哮。就像heather打死都不相信我能pass 599,我他妈就给她好好的打了她的肥逼脸!呵呵。


明天,做自己该做的,我这么聪明的人,真没几个,有几个高中像我这样考去了美国奖学金?而我却没有自信?that‘s so sad and ridiculous!william的弟弟wilson读了个相当于大专的课程现在卖刀,今天在火锅的桌子上还很得意的样子,呵呵。而我说话却要很小声没自信,真的不应该。

真的,599那么seemingly impossible我都过了,其他的事真的难不倒我。



Monday, April 22, 2019

It feels magical and surreal and ( . . . . . . )

it feels unreal... the though of "what if he gave me a C" sometimes came up... even though it does can seem upset to see i got a B- even though class average was 3.7... i don't know if it's cuz of his prejudice against me or it's really my performance.....given the fact that I worked my ass off for this class....

but i feel grateful and thankful to pass.. it's 5 grades up from my D last year...

I will remember what went wrong and fix them in the future, i will stay strong, i will eschew perfectionism, i will better my time-management, i'll be happy and be positive.

I faced the inevitable truth. Many thanks...

After at least 20 minutes of praying, I clicked on the link from the grade notification email.

I received a B- for Econ 599. Class average is 3.7, for 22 students. I am satisfied. I'm content. Thanks to the professor, thanks to myself, thanks to parents and grandma and all other relatives, thanks to online youtube channels, thanks to random online websites for metrics knowledge sharing. Thank God, thank laotian, thank William, thank my classmates.

Thank you all. I have been staying strong. I will keep staying strong. 

599 grades posted an hour after the "confession blog"

The grade was posted at 6:40 pm on Monday April 22. The blog was published at 5:30 Monday Apr 22. i checked email at 7:23 pm...

now im still at library. i haven't looked at the grades yet. my hands are trembling... heart beating fast... everything.... nervous, nervous...

should i look at it now? or should i wait until after the last final, which is in 3 days.... i think ill look at it now... so that the torture will be ok no matter the outcome....

God, please help me. if i pass, wish me future sucess. if i fail, please wish me to stay strong and be strong in future endeavors. God, please guide me in the right path regardless of the outcome for 599....

i think i'll look at it... there is no escaping...........

i'll go pee and then look at it... or ill go to hub and eat before look at it.... but.... ill have to face the truth and look at it....

toruturre will eventually be over..

struggle will be eventually over....

this ma program will be eventually over regardless of i finish ro not....

Wuhan, chINA...  I'll come to you guys regardless of the outcome.....

mom, dad, waipo, i will come to you regardless of the outcome......

life, death.... it's all natural form of existence on this universe....

human, animal, plants, all other matters..... came with a purpose....

accidents, no acicdents, naturnal disater, no ddisaster, there is a purpose...

be fearless, be strong, be content, face whatever....

here I am. the same michael, the same yuanqi, here i am...

No regrets for Econ 599. No regrets for this MA Econ program

It's not fair and not helpful for me to continue feeling stressed about 599's outcome. It will only hurt my future final exams. I have done my best for 599. That's what matters. I went through the process. I was being strong. So, be stronger! Be fearless! Life goes on despite a small and trivial class..... haha. When you reach 80 and you look back, a class is a sand on your path of life....

Sincere confession before Econ 599 final grade release

599 final was April 17, Wed, which was last Wed. Today is Mon, and tomorrow is my Econ 101 final, Thursday Econ 281 final.

Even though I'm now sitting in Cameron library's basement, supposed to be pouring full efforts into 101 preparation, i can't help but worrying about the imminent grade release from 599, because it's been almost a week since 599 final, so Pro Liu may be releasing grade in 2 or 3 days, based on last year's 7 days grade release since final exam day...

I can't describe enough how fucking worried and overwhelmed right now both physically and mentally... My head feels inflated with pressure, but heart is pounding nervously, my body feels warm due to the worrying... it feels nothing but uncertainty, like an imminent danger is on its way...

I keep sighing and sighing... i feel bad, i feel really really nervous, my head feels like it's going to faint, and it's all because of i really fear whether im gonna pass 599 this time or not...

Last year, my first attempt at 599 was a terrible failure throughout the semester... i couldn't understand a word from his lectures. the paper replication was brutal and i had no idea what to do... the whole course felt like an unguided journey to the black hole in the universe, and i am not exaggerating... so, even though i got a D in the end, i did't and i don't blame myself... Liu is a terribly and horribly incompetent teacher... i just don't blame myself for failing. it was the first time i failed a required course in my program. oh yeah, everyone has defeats in their lives. and there I came...

But I do worry everyday still.... I am worried dead about Econ 599.... it's been a demon for me, inflicting so much pain on me since last year. my heartbeat for sure raises whenever I think about 599.... I worry about failing it again, cuz i have been fighting to survive this MA Econ program for 3 years now, everyday was a challenge! my parents have been pouring money in my tuition and living expenses for 3 fucking years! in total, the financial costs is about $60,000 CAD for these 3 years... OMG... that's a lot, a lot, a lot of money for a Chinese middle class family... So you see why I am so afraid of not surviving the program.. because it simply has costed me and my family so much mental effort, financial efforts, and physical efforts... it's really really costly in multiple dimensions... so, failing is a crash on my family, a catastrophe on our hopes...

Ever since the first day in Sep 2016, the first day of class, i knew something is really different from my undergrad. i simply ceased to comprehend the lectures... at all... macro, micro, metrics... nothing like i learned before... it may be due to my mediocre records at college, maybe the widely recognized fundamental difference between undergrad and grad Econ, or it may be the different ways of schooling between the US and Canada. It's no exaggeration to say that it felt like an unguided journey to the black hole in the universe!

But i didn't give up. In the second week, i actually chatted with parents about quitting the program, since i may not likely to get the 3 year visa and the program is too challenging.. but parents persuaded me to stay and stick it out, reasoning that a master's degree is worth getting, even if i have to go back to China. So I stayed...

I wrote to the program Chair about my difficulty, and he suggested to withdraw courses, so i only took macro and environmental Econ in the fall 2016 semester... It was still very difficult for me, especially for macro... macro just seems . fundamentally different from my under grad. i don't know why... maybe im taking gap years of 3 years and brain isn't as good as before... it's amazing and challenging to feel this difference...

second semester, Econ 497, i still felt challenging. third semester, fall 2018, wow. micro503, metrics598, metrics399.... even though i didn't study all the time, but i can't think of another semester in which i was so stressed and nervous about classes... during the Dec preparation periods before final exams, the stress was just overwhelming... i didn't understand the metrics notes, and i had to ask the females prof every single office hours....she got impatient eventually... well fuck her for the unprofessionalism. same for 503... it felt magical that i passed both with a C+, it felt like a magical force grabbed me from falling down into a fiercely monstrous waterfall...

I was ecstatic about passing, but soon i was burned out (now i think), when it came to the next semester of winter 2018. also, there was my constant battle for perfectionism which is detrimental to success. Prof Liu, the worst prof i have ever had in my life, confused me in every aspect of the class. he teaches you things that will never never be tested... then the paper replication was about whole another realm.... wait for me for 5 min, im gonna post another fail rating on ratemyprof about him.... the WHs are never tested on finals... when i don't understand what's going on in this class, i panicked, i felt paralyzed... i honestly don't know what to do...  So everything about 599 is a joke! joke! everyone had some degrees of amusing thing to say about him! not so good thing! i will never regret in the future about hating him so much as a professor!!! just unbelievably bad bad.... he is a criminal compared to the amazing profs at Trinity...

i failed eventually with a D, a stupid and fuckingly ridiculous D, from a D rated professor (rolling my eyes as i wrote this). The there came the even more stupid suspension letter for the stupid and fat Heather Eckert, which i will never understand . think of is that: either she is a bully of power, a dictator, or: she is mental retard due to the fact that she is too fat to enjoy amazing sex life.

After the appeal process, i think i became more anxiety person. anxious about meeting my classmates from 599, anxious about Econ classes, anxious about retaking 599.... self doubting myself constantly. it's also obvious that i easily forget things which i didn't do often before... i think they have some associations with these nasty things that i had to went through.

eventually, there was January 2019, to retake Econ 599.... it felt shameful and of course, nervous, sitting in that classroom again. but whatever... it was a hard semester still, less hard than the first time cuz now i know how stupid he is. the first month was spent every weekday on metrics theory review and stata refreshments. weekends i still met with William for relaxation. first month came by so quickly... Then there came the bomb: paper replication.....  wow, so for the next 4 weeks, every single day... my life was revolved around the replication...... i recorded my daily details on weibo dir the entire replication periods... it was the countable one or two times in my life that i was pouring all my lifetime into something cuz i just feel like it's too hard for me and i really can't waste a second... the result was good, even though we never got a grade from him, but i felt i did well.... so hopefully it didn't raise a radar for him about me....

then there was this paper proposal which i had to personally meet with him.... it felt very shameful to write that email to confirm appointment.... it also took me lots of effort to write things down on a-few papers to present me as fully prepared.... and find enough data and things to prepare in case he has questions for me and i certainly never wanted to stand out as being clueless during the meeting...  sigh... so much pressure for that.... but eventually, the meeting went well, and he liked the paper idea, and actually said "good"...... it felt soooo relieved to hear that....... at least i didn't make a bad impression.... may even be a positive one....

the lectures this semester are confusing and hardly understood, just as usual.... but im used to it... the majority of notes are not gonna be even touched upon in the final.... now i know.... so i wasn't pouring my tears and sweats on wasting at the notes... thank god to the previous semester...

the 3 weeks following the submission of paper replication was mostly burned out... and i didn't do much... 2 weeks were wasted following the fiscal analyst interview notice, which got my so ecstatic but horribly nervous. Perfectionism re-surfaced, crashed my schedules, my life, my sleep, i really really really glad that it picked my resume for interview, and i really really really wanted to have that job!! but perfectionism never meet realistic expectations. it paralysed me.... i was thinking about the interview all week... but i just laid on bed.... i didn't take actual actions....... i really wanted to ace it inside of me, but outside of me, there was nothing done to improve my chances... i waited until 7pm the Sunday before the monday interview..... prepared the whole night.... couldn't all.... I didn't get the job, which i totally expected.... they were considerate to send me the rejection letter the day after my 599 final...

i was right.. i said to myself, 599 is more important than the job... so the whole 1.5 weeks before the 599 final.... i put my life into it... i stopped cooking, and eating at the hub all the time. ho ho chinese food tasted really good. expensive of course... i kept a daily jornal on weibo documenting my mental progress each was nervous process... during the day, i first focused on the theory part of 599, looking for outside sources to help me understand the main testable theories, cuz Liu's lecture notes are a joke. i found a youtube channel called "econometris academy" pretty good, as well as my introductory metrics textbook. i rarely resorted to using Liu's materials.... then at 10pm or 11pm, i would go to Tory to work on the term paper.... it was the first time in my life that i spent more than a week composing a term paper..... it was a challenging, rewarding, and nervous 1.5 weeks of preparation.... i remmeber one night i felt really really down and hopeless and nervous after failing to understand some probit and logit theories... then i felt paralyzed, all in my mind was thinking about receiving a fail grade in 599, and i wanted to kill xingfei, and i had to go back to china...... that night, i ended up wasting my time after 8:30pm until 3:30am thinking about unrelated matters....

then that night, after getting home, i wrote at my weibo blog about  committing the dangerous sin of perfectionism again.... warning my self that it's only gonna ruin my test preparation... i said to myself: you MUST be confident and MUST keep going no matter how confused you are or how you failed to understand materials... cuz you have to move on... so in the next few days.. i kept that in mind, and didn't commit perfectionism again....

i submitted my term paper to xingfei... in that zip file i added the mising value codes and paper stata codes.... everything that he wanted to see... he replied with a " Received, thanks".

then the next day,,, the final exam....... the eventual and inevitable slaughter house.... it was easier than i anticipated.... there was multinomial logit, IV, some stats related question, and 2 big policy evaluation questions... i prepared for these during preparation, and these were my main focus cuz i guessed his major focus on the final... it wasn't bad... i think i scored around 70 to 77.... not a great score, but at least i don't think it would fail the final.......

5 days after the final really really felt fantastic and stress-free. it felt like a disabled person finally got the chance to do normal things.... just as excited as that!!! my heartbeat felt so calm and normal, i tested my blood pressure and it was under optimal even in the first check... before the final it was always above the optimal reading for the first time. the effect of reduced stress on my physical health was immediate....

now monday, as i sat in the library preparing for tomorrow's 101 final, i suddenly became nervous again about 599's final grades.... even though i def did much better than last year, and i didn't raise a red flag this year, i still feel very very nervous..... i think it has become a automatic panic attack for me... until i see the final grade, i will always be super stressed about this class......

when i stress to the point of physical impairment, i write them down.... it feels kinda like talking to a counselor...also i want to record my mental journey during this most stressful time of my life, soin the future i could look back......

Two outcomes for Econ 599: pass (C+ or above), fail (C or below)...... i have no clue which i'll end up....  i have so much concerns... i even changed my name from Michael last year to Yuanqi this year, hoping he will remember me less.... i don't know if he is so stubborn that he thinks he will keep failing me this year... i don't know if he thinks that a student who committed plagiarism will never deserve to walk out of this university with a MA degree.... i don't know if my term paper this year will give him some , at least some, positive impression..... so many uncertainties.....

But regardless.... regardless what he thinks... it's outside my control now...i have done my best to survive this class, i have doen my best mentally to keep going this far.... my whole family has done their best to root for me.... we have done everything we could... So, no more wishing he could blablabla... no more... life is life... If an 9.0 earthquake struck, then there was your fate.... on 911 attack day, there was their fate for those 6000+ victims in the twin tower... So, whether he passes or fails me this year, it's my fate.... it's part of life.... failure is normal, success is also normal... so, be calm if you see 599 grade of C or C-. Welcome it. You have improved. Embrace the improvement.

China is getting better everyday, Wuhan is getting prettier every day. if i fail, well, I go back to Wuhan... i don't think this time i wanna go to first tier cities anymore. I just wanna feel cozy and be close to my parents, my grandmother. we can go visit places in Wuhan on weekends, live in their suburban house, eat interesting foods... and i will never have to waste shits on stupid roommates anymore....

So, stupid Xingfei Liu, go fail me! fail me! I am not afraid!!  i will never succumb to you no matter the outcome is! fail is life, success is life. My aunt's daughter didn't finish middle school, and she is doing fine working at a community police station in Xinjiang earning 1500 yuan a month, very basic salary, but she didn't starve to death. she is at least happier than i am. and the more I endured the turtute, the more i hope i can be a happier person.

so just go fucking fail me Xingfei. really. i have done what i can. I am a human. I make mistakes, I make progress. I also make people change. I make people love me, I make people look down on me. I make the world change. I make myself different based on world conventions. I am a human. Just go with the flow. don't commit crimes. love my parents, love my grandmother, and most importantly, be happy, be content, be grateful.

I do still feel nervous, but i'll talk to myself to focus on my tomorrow's 101 final. That's all for now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Xinjiang Soup Meal (新疆汤饭 Xinjiang Tang Fan): Family Recipe

Xinjiang Soup Meal (Tang Fan) is an incredibly hearty dish all-year round, with plenty of vegetables, proteins and delicious soup. It's also extremely versatile because you can choose your favorite veggies and meat to add! It's one of the most popular dishes in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.


1. Peanut oil (recommended) corn oil, or canola oil. 

2. Veggies:  2-3 Tomatoes, 1-2 potatoes, 1/4 radish, shiitake mushrooms(Xianggu), cilantros, 5 to 7 garlic cloves, 1 small ginger, 1 green Chinese onion, carrots (optional), 4 to 6 celery sticks (optional)

3. Meat:  Any lean meat of your choice. Cut into small dices.

4. Sauce and seasonings:  1 can of tomato sauce, Chinese style vinegar, Chinese style light soy sauce, Chinese style dark soy sauce, salt, ground black pepper, Chicken powder

5. Short-cut pasta (penne, elbow, Farfalle, etc.)

Some pictures ( for newbies...)

Chinese style light soy sauce:   “Lee Kum Kee” brand 

 Chinese style dark soy sauce: “Lee Kum Kee” brand Mushroom Dark Soy Sauce. 

Chinese style chicken powder


Step 1.  Mince the peeled garlic cloves, peeled ginger, and Chinese green onion. Peel potatoes, radish, and carrots. Cut all veggies and meat into small pieces.

Step 2.  Put the wok on the burner. Use high heat for the burner. Pour in 100ml (3.4 ounce) of oil. 

Wait until the oil is hot enough before adding anything!  Let oil warm up for about 3 minutes. Cooking ingredients in tepid oil will not deliver delicious taste.

Step 3.  After the oil is hot,  add ginger, Chinese green onion, and pork tenderloins. Stir for about 30 seconds.

When the redness on the meat begins to diminish, immediately move to the next step. 

Step 4.  Add ONE SMALL SPOON of vinegar and ONE SMALL SPOON of DARK soy sauce. stir gently to avoid sticking. This step should take NO LONGER THAN 20 SECONDS.  

Step 5.  Don’t lower the heat. Add all the chopped veggies to the wok except cilantros and celeries. Stir for 30 seconds. Then, Add 1 small spoon of salt, 1 small spoon of ground black pepper, 1 small spoon of Chinese style chicken powder, 2 small spoons of vinegar, 1.5 small spoons of light soy sauce, 1 small spoon of dark soy sauce.  Keep stirring for another FOUR MINUTES in this step.

Step 6.  Don’t lower the heat. Keep stirring until you see juice coming out of the veggies and the veggies become moist. Use a spoon and taste the soup to see if you need to add more seasoning. If it tastes bland, add salt to increase saltiness, add ground pepper and chicken powder together to increase delicious flavor. It IS OKAY FOR NOW TO MAKE IT SAITIER because you will add water in the next step.

Step 7.  Add cold clean water and 1 can of tomato sauce. Stir well. The water and tomato sauce need to be a little above the veggies


Step 8.  Cover the lid and wait for the water to boil. 

Step 9.  When the water is boiling, you can finally lower the  heat from high to medium. Taste the soup to add seasonings if needed.
Step 10.  Let the soup cook for about 5 minutes. Then, add the celeries. Then, add the short-cut pasta. Stir well.
  Optional: in the picture below, hand made dough sticks are used in authentic Xinjiang style, instead of packaged pasta.

Step 11.  Add 2 small spoons of vinegar. While the soup and pasta are cooking,  taste the soup to see if more seasonings should be added, such as salt, ground pepper, or chicken powder. The soup is supposed to have sour taste from tomatoes and vinegar as well as delicious taste from chicken powder and ground black pepper.

Step 12.  When the pasta is cooked, add the minced garlics and cilantros to the final finish.

Step 13.  ENJOY!!!!!