Thursday, January 3, 2013

Desperate Housewives; Season 4/ Episode 5

Katherine, who likes everything in its place, thought that her husband was forgetting his.

you are keeping my grandchildren from me.

Bree's attempt to,  ........  , evoked an unexpected response

try to connect with the newest neighbors

it wasn't long before workmen had opened them , and begun assembling various parts and pieces

turn ( the contents) into (a finished work of art)

that's what i love about art, the way it provokes discussion

it's an eyesore

but even if you disapprove, we hope that ......

we need it to drown out all the noise...

And I say that simple human decency dictates that you turn that fountain off right now!

Phone: Hi. this is..... May I speak with.....?

in a world of trouble

im coming for you

to tail me = to monitor me

you got a lot of nerves stealing ........

where did you pick up that phrase/ skill/ sth....

think of it myself....

petty neighborhood squabbles

Bother yourself over sth.

came for sth = came to get sth.

there was no one left to speak out for me.

Thanks. I so appreciate your input.

After you get rid of the fountain, that's it. Right? = nothing happen after fountain, right?

i don't follow = don't understand

And surely, the whole neighborhood can't revolve around your little tree house.

running for president in your condition, i don't think it's a good idea

sorry, i didn't catch that

Umm, so this is about you wanting to take on Katherine; Take on sb = take revenge on sb

take down sb = overthrow sb

she is living across the street

I ran into an old friend in the lobby today

knock out; I wouldn't want to knock myself out studying my ass off for this class.

oh, i don't think we need to get into that...

ring a/the bell: sth reminds you of things you heard, but you can't completely recall it.

Mr. Solis pulled you down in the bed.

back then = back in an old time

ditto = me too/ I feel the same.

screen door = door with tiny holes

stay/be on good terms with sb = be friendly with sb

like you for your convertible = like you cuz you have convertible

would you like to tell me what is bothering you?

i just want you to think about ........

they are what we have left of the things time has taken from us

but i need something that will fly = i need sth that will succeed

it means a lot to me

the whole hospital is still buzzing about what he did = gossiping about

walk by = see sth happening and walk away 

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